Bridging the gap between research and practiceWhat It Is From 2020 to 2022, Healthy Teen Network partnered with Child Trends and Chapin Hall to develop and disseminate research-based practice resources for professionals who work with youth. The Activate project was...
Juvenile Justice
Bridging the Divide between Child Welfare and Home Visiting Systems to Address the Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Care
ReSHAPINGBridging the Divide between Child Welfare and Home Visiting Systems to Address the Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Care Social Service Review, March 2021 Amy Dworsky, Elissa R. Gitlow, and Kristen Ethier Suggested CitationDworsky, A., Gitlow,...
Evidence-based sexual health programs for youth involved with juvenile justice and child welfare systems
ReSHAPINGEvidence-based sexual health programs for youth involved with juvenile justice and child welfare systems: Outcomes across settings, Children and Youth Services Review Children and Youth Services Review, 2019 Elizabeth Aparicio, Katie Massey Combs, Claudette...
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