Dr. Nadine Finigan-Carr Awarded the ECPN John Reid Early Career Award

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June 10, 2021

TThe ECPN John B. Reid Early Career Award is presented to an individual early in their career in prevention. This award is bestowed on someone who has shown a commitment to prevention science through outstanding contributions to research, policy, or practice.

We want to give a warm shout-out to ReSHAPING member and former Healthy Teen Network Board Member, Dr. Nadine Finigan-Carr on receiving the ECPN John Reid Early Career Award from the Society for Prevention Research.

Thank you for your tremendous work in the field. Congrats, Nadine!

We want to give a warm shout-out to ReSHAPING member and former Healthy Teen Network Board Member, Dr. Nadine Finigan-Carr for her tremendous work in the field.

Nadine M Finigan-Carr, Ph.D., is a prevention research scientist focused on the application of behavioral and social science perspectives to research on contemporary health problems, especially those that disproportionately affect people of color.

Her scholarship is grounded in theories and methods found primarily in the field of health behavior change among individuals and the environments that support or impede chronic disease prevention or management, injury, and violence. Currently, Dr. Finigan-Carr is the Assistant Director of the Ruth Young Center for Families and Children at the University of Maryland: School of Social Work where she leads the Prevention of Adolescent Risks Initiative (PARI).

She is the Principal Investigator of research projects at both the state and federal levels designed to intervene with system involved youth – those in foster care or the juvenile justice system. Nadine has also served on the board of Healthy Teen Network, bringing her expertise to the organization.

You can read more about her work by reading her full bio, here.

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ReSHAPING (Research on Sexual Health and Adolescent Parenting in Out-of-Home Environments Group) is an international network of scholars in social work, public health, public policy, and psychology dedicated to collaborative research on understanding needs and improving outcomes related to sexual health and parenting for youth who are homeless, trafficked, or in out-of-home environments, whether in child welfare, juvenile justice, or other systems. Read more about us.

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