Allison Tomai Felsen


In/Tend is a vibrant ecosystem of dreamers, doers, and change-makers who push the boundaries of imagination to develop innovative approaches to adolescent health.Where We Started In/Tend is grounded and nourished by the wealth of information and foundation of...

Group Agreements for Good Colleagues

Group Agreements for Good Colleagues

Group Agreements for Good Colleagues2021This is a working document that was crafted by the Healthy Teen Network staff and was inspired by our former Board Chair Nadine Finigan-Carr in the midst of the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like any good group...

National Observances, Awareness Campaigns, and Holidays Calendar

National Observances, Awareness Campaigns, and Holidays Calendar

National Observances, Awareness Campaigns, and Holidays CalendarJanuary 2024National health observances and awareness campaigns are great opportunities to efficiently use and adapt existing content in support of the goal of promoting adolescent sexual health and...

#SexEdForAll Tool Kit

#SexEdForAll Tool Kit

#SexEdForAll Month Tool KitApril 2024Sex Ed For All Month is coordinated by the Sex Education Collaborative—representing 26 national, regional, and state-based organizations with extensive experience training educators to deliver school-based sex education—in...

Maryland Human Trafficking Initiative

Maryland Human Trafficking Initiative

This initiative was established to improve statewide coordination & multidisciplinary collaboration in responding to human trafficking involving children & youth.Where We Started Healthy Teen Network supported the Maryland Human Trafficking Initiative. This...

True You Maryland Brand Book

True You Maryland Brand Book

True You Maryland Brand BookOctober 2021True You Maryland is an affirming, positive brand about finding, expressing, and celebrating your true self in the rural Maryland landscape. True You Maryland is a brand built by youth in rural Maryland for youth in rural...

True You Maryland Youth Advisory Board Recruitment Kit

True You Maryland Youth Advisory Board Recruitment Kit

Youth Advisory Board Recruitment KitOctober 2021Want to spread the word about your Youth Advisory Board? We've prepared this recruitment kit to make it easy to share. We're done our best to make this kit useful for all our True You Maryland partners, but you may need...

True You Maryland

True You Maryland

Bringing together partners in six rural Maryland counties to advance the sexual health and well-being of youth here at home.Where We Started Young people in rural counties experience a range of health disparities. That’s because rural communities often face challenges...

U Choose

U Choose

We help you talk about the hard stuff.Where We Started Getting school and community partners to work together is so important for improving sexual health education and services. In any given community, there are often many programs and services working with young...

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