Image with adolescent smiling with text, "20 questions to a healthy future" displayed



Volt20 helps youth create a written “game plan”  as they think about their lives and plan for a healthy future. With Volt20, adolescents and young adults, up to 24 years old, can focus on what’s going on with their bodies, minds, relationships, and the places they live, learn, work, and play.

Young people can complete the survey and read the youth guide by themselves, or they can enlist the support of a caring adult. Adults have their own facilitator guide with information and tips on each health topic. Adults can engage young people using a one-on-one approach, or they can facilitate Volt20 in large groups with our group planning guide and other resources. 

An evaluation of Volt20 showed that young people and caring adults alike were very satisfied with Volt20.

Contributing Staff