We are now recruiting for a research study!
We are recruiting young parents ages 18-26 who have spent time in foster care around their 17th birthday or have “aged-out” of foster care, and who are currently parenting a child. We would like to learn about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, how it has affected their life thus far, and what types of supports and services they may need during this time.
Our study will ask participants to take part in one focus group or a in a PhotoVoice project, all conducted virtually. Depending on the opportunity selected, participants will be compensated with a $50 or $95 gift card.
If you are a young parent that meets the criteria described above, and are interested in participating, let us know by emailing or texting the word STORIES to 313131.
If you are a provider and would like more information, please email Dr. Genevieve Martínez-García at
This study has been approved by Montclair State University Institutional Review Board, study # IRB-FY20-21-1963
Principal investigators: Svetlana Shpiegel, Department of Social Work and Child Advocacy, Montclair State University
Elizabeth Aparicio, Department of Behavioral and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of Maryland