ReSHAPINGPromoting Postsecondary Educational Success Among Young Parents In and Aging Out of Foster Care Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, June 2022 Lisa Schelbe, PhD, MSW; Amy Dworsky, PhD; Svetlana Shpiegel, PhD, MSW; Andrea Lane Eastman, PhD, MA; Jennifer...
Developing a Learning Agenda to Address the Needs of Young Parents in Care
ReSHAPINGDeveloping a Learning Agenda to Address the Needs of Young Parents in Care Urban Institute, October 2021 Amy Dworsky Suggested Citation Catherine Kuhns, Amy Dworsky, and Audrey Richardson. 2021. "Developing a Learning Agenda to Address...
Bridging the Divide between Child Welfare and Home Visiting Systems to Address the Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Care
ReSHAPINGBridging the Divide between Child Welfare and Home Visiting Systems to Address the Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Care Social Service Review, March 2021 Amy Dworsky, Elissa R. Gitlow, and Kristen Ethier Suggested CitationDworsky, A., Gitlow,...
The sexual and reproductive health of youth in foster care
ReSHAPINGThe sexual and reproductive health of youth in foster care Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2018 Amy Dworsky, PhD, MSW, BA Suggested Citation Dworsky, A. (2018). The sexual and reproductive health of youth in foster care. In Elizabeth Trejos and Nancy Trevino...
Employment Outcomes of Young Parents Who Age Out of Foster Care
ReSHAPINGEmployment outcomes of young parents who age out of foster care Children and Youth Services Review, January 2017 Amy Dworsky, Elissa Gitlow Suggested Citation Dworsky, A., & Gitlow, E. (2017). Employment outcomes of young parents who age out of foster...
Child welfare services involvement among the children of young parents in foster care
ReSHAPINGChild welfare services involvement among the children of young parents in foster care Child Abuse & Neglect, 2015 Amy Dworsky, PhD, MSW, BA Suggested Citation Dworsky, A. (2015). Child welfare services involvement among the children of young parents in...
Psychosocial pathways to sexually transmitted infection risk among youth transitioning out of foster care
ReSHAPINGPsychosocial pathways to sexually transmitted infection risk among youth transitioning out of foster care: Evidence from a longitudinal cohort study Journal of Adolescent Health, 2013 Kym R Ahrens, Cari McCarty, Jane Simoni, Amy Dworsky, Mark E Courtney...
Pathways to STI Risk for Adolescents in Foster Care
ReSHAPINGPathways to STI Risk for Adolescents in Foster Care: Evidence From a Longitudinal Study of Youth Transitioning Out of Care Journal of Adolescent Health, 2013 Kym R. Ahrens, Carolyn McCarty, Mark E. Courtney, Amy Dworsky, Jane Simoni Suggested Citation Ahrens,...
Health Insurance Coverage and Use of Family Planning Services among Current and Former Foster Youth
ReSHAPINGHealth Insurance Coverage and Use of Family Planning Services among Current and Former Foster Youth: Implications of the Health Care Reform Law Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 2013 Amy Dworsky, Kym Ahrens, Mark Courtney Suggested Citation Dworsky,...
The risk of teenage pregnancy among transitioning foster youth
ReSHAPINGThe risk of teenage pregnancy among transitioning foster youth: Implications for extending state care beyond age 18 Children and Youth Services Review, 2010 Amy Dworsky, Mark E. Courtney Suggested Citation Dworsky, A., & Courtney, M. E. (2010) The risk of...
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