ReSHAPINGPromoting Postsecondary Educational Success Among Young Parents In and Aging Out of Foster Care Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, June 2022 Lisa Schelbe, PhD, MSW; Amy Dworsky, PhD; Svetlana Shpiegel, PhD, MSW; Andrea Lane Eastman, PhD, MA; Jennifer...
Storms and blossoms: Foster care system alumni parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic
ReSHAPINGStorms and blossoms: Foster care system alumni parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic University of Maryland, College Park, May 2021 Elizabeth Aparicio, Rhoda Smith, Michelle Jasczyński, Amara Channell Doig, Marissa Ventola, Svetlana Shpiegel,...
Developing a Learning Agenda to Address the Needs of Young Parents in Care
ReSHAPINGDeveloping a Learning Agenda to Address the Needs of Young Parents in Care Urban Institute, October 2021 Amy Dworsky Suggested Citation Catherine Kuhns, Amy Dworsky, and Audrey Richardson. 2021. "Developing a Learning Agenda to Address...
Early Pregnancy and Parenthood among Child Welfare-Involved Youth
ReSHAPINGEarly Pregnancy and Parenthood among Child Welfare-Involved Youth Oxford Bibliographies, October 2021 Bryn King Suggested Citation King, B., Goulden, A.*, & William, K.* (2021). Early pregnancy and parenthood among child welfare-involved...
Fatherhood in Foster Care: Research and Guidance on Working with Young Fathers
ReSHAPINGFatherhood in Foster Care: Research and Guidance on Working with Young Fathers The ReSHAPING Network | July 27, 2021 Speaker: Justin S. Harty, MSW, LCSW | University of Chicago Suggested Citation Harty, Justin S. [The ReSHAPING Network and Healthy Teen...
COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes among Parenting Foster Care Alumni: A Call to Action
ReSHAPINGCOVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes among Parenting Foster Care Alumni: A Call to Action The ReSHAPING Network | May 20, 2021 Panelists: Elizabeth M. Aparicio, PhD, MSW | Svetlana Shpiegel, PhD, MSW | Alexander Sanchez | Devlon N. Jackson, PhD, MPH Suggested Citation...
Child Welfare Workers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Communication About Sexual Health With Youth Involved in Child Welfare
ReSHAPINGChild Welfare Workers' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Communication About Sexual Health With Youth Involved in Child Welfare Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, May 2021 Katie Massey Combs, PhD and Heather Taussig Suggested...
Bridging the Divide between Child Welfare and Home Visiting Systems to Address the Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Care
ReSHAPINGBridging the Divide between Child Welfare and Home Visiting Systems to Address the Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Care Social Service Review, March 2021 Amy Dworsky, Elissa R. Gitlow, and Kristen Ethier Suggested CitationDworsky, A., Gitlow,...
Factors associated with first and repeat births among females emancipating from foster care
ReSHAPINGFactors associated with first and repeat births among females emancipating from foster care Children and Youth Services Review, March 2021 Svetlana Shpiegel, Tammi Fleming, Lisa Mishraky, Sheila VanWert, Blanca Goetz, Elizabeth M. Aparicio, and...
Holistic, trauma-informed adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health promotion for female youth experiencing homelessness: Initial outcomes of Wahine Talk
ReSHAPINGHolistic, trauma-informed adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health promotion for female youth experiencing homelessness: Initial outcomes of Wahine Talk Children and Youth Services Review, December 2019 Elizabeth M. Aparicio, Olivia N....
“The internet is not private”: The role of social media in sexual health among youth in foster care
ReSHAPING“The internet is not private”: The role of social media in sexual health among youth in foster care Journal of Adolescence, June 2020 Olivia N. Kachingwe, John P. Salerno, Bradley O. Boekeloo, Jessica N. Fish, MelanieGeddings-Hayes, Faduma Aden,...
“Having a Baby Can Wait”: Experiences of a Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Program in the Context of Homelessness among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander Youth
ReSHAPING“Having a Baby Can Wait”: Experiences of a Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Program in the Context of Homelessness among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander Youth Captured Through PhotoVoice Qualitative Health Research,...
Addressing Sexual Health Among Youth in Foster Care Group Homes: A Community-Engaged Grounded Theory Study
ReSHAPINGAddressing Sexual Health Among Youth in Foster Care Group Homes: A Community-Engaged Grounded Theory Study Sexuality Research and Social Policy, January 2021 Elizabeth M. Aparicio, Olivia N. Kachingwe, John P. Salerno, Melanie Geddings-Hayes, and...
Pregnancy Attitudes and Contraceptive Use Among Youth With Histories of Foster Care
ReSHAPINGPregnancy Attitudes and Contraceptive Use Among Youth With Histories of Foster Care Children and Youth Services Review, October 2018 Katie Massey Combs, Samantha M. Broan, Stephanie Begun, and Heather Taussig Suggested Citation Combs, K. M.,...
A Quasi-experimental Study on Training Child Welfare Workers on Youth Sexual Health
ReSHAPINGA Quasi-Experimental Study on Training Child Welfare Workers on Youth Sexual Health Research on Social Work Practice, December 2020Katie Massey Combs and Heather Taussig Suggested Citation Combs, K. M., & Taussig, H. (2021). A Quasi-Experimental...
The functioning patterns of adolescent mothers leaving foster care
ReSHAPINGThe functioning patterns of adolescent mothers leaving foster care: Results from a cluster analysis Child and Family Social Work, 2020 Svetlana Shpiegel, Elizabeth M. Aparicio, Bryn King, Dana Prince, Jason Lynch, Claudette L. Grinnell‐Davis Suggested...
Exploring How Trauma is Addressed in Sexual Education Interventions for Youth
ReSHAPINGExploring How Trauma is Addressed in Sexual Education Interventions for Youth: A Scoping Review Health Education & Behavior, 2020 Monica Faulkner Suggested Citation Panisch, L., Faulkner, M., Fava, N. & Fernandez, S. (2020). Exploring How Trauma is...
“Even if you think you can trust them, don’t trust them”
ReSHAPING"Even if you think you can trust them, don’t trust them”: The lived experience of sexual health among sexual minority girls in foster care Children and Youth Services Review, June 2020 John P. Salerno, Olivia Kachingwe, Jessica N. Fish, Eshana Parekh, Melanie...
“The internet is not private”
ReSHAPING"The internet is not private:” The role of social media in sexual health among youth in foster care Journal of Adolescence, July 2020 Olivia Kachingwe, John Salerno, Bradley Boekeloo, Jessica Fish, Melanie Geddings-Hayes, Faduma Adena, Elizabeth M. Aparicio...
What do adolescent parents need to prevent repeat pregnancy? A qualitative investigation
ReSHAPINGWhat do adolescent parents need to prevent repeat pregnancy? A qualitative investigation Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 2019 Grace S. Hubel, Angela D. Moreland Suggested Citation Hubel, G. S., & Moreland, A. D. (2019). What do adolescent parents...
Evidence-based sexual health programs for youth involved with juvenile justice and child welfare systems
ReSHAPINGEvidence-based sexual health programs for youth involved with juvenile justice and child welfare systems: Outcomes across settings, Children and Youth Services Review Children and Youth Services Review, 2019 Elizabeth Aparicio, Katie Massey Combs, Claudette...
Early childbirth among foster youth
ReSHAPINGEarly childbirth among foster youth: A latent class analysis to determine subgroups at increased risk Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2019 Bryn King, Claudette Grinnell-Davis, Elizabeth Aparicio, Andrea Lane Eastman Suggested Citation King,...
“My body is strong and amazing”
ReSHAPING"My body is strong and amazing:" Embodied experiences of pregnancy and birth among young women in foster care Children and Youth Services Review, 2019 Elizabeth Aparicio, PhD, MSW; Claudette Grinnell-Davis, PhD, MS, MSW; Bryn King, PhD, MSW; and Svetlana...
The sexual and reproductive health of youth in foster care
ReSHAPINGThe sexual and reproductive health of youth in foster care Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2018 Amy Dworsky, PhD, MSW, BA Suggested Citation Dworsky, A. (2018). The sexual and reproductive health of youth in foster care. In Elizabeth Trejos and Nancy Trevino...
Service needs of adolescent parents in child welfare
ReSHAPINGService needs of adolescent parents in child welfare: is an evidence-based, structured, in-home behavioral parent training protocol effective? Child Abuse & Neglect, 2016 Grace S. Hubel, Whitney L. Rostad, Shannon Self-Brown, Angela D. Moreland Suggested...
A Path Analysis Predicting Contraceptive Use Among Youth Formerly in Foster Care
ReSHAPINGA Path Analysis Predicting Contraceptive Use Among Youth Formerly in Foster Care: Intention or Unmet Need? Society for Social Work and Research, 2018 Katie Massey Combs, Inna Altschul, Samantha M. Brown, Heather Taussig Suggested Citation Combs, K. M. (2018)....
What Works When Engaging In Real Talk With Foster Youth Around Dating and Sexual Behaviors?
ReSHAPINGWhat Works When Engaging In Real Talk With Foster Youth Around Dating and Sexual Behaviors?Healthy Teen Network's 38th Annual National Conference, 2017Rhoda Smith, PhD, MSW, Elizabeth Aparicio, PhD, MSW Suggested Citation Smith, R. & Aparicio, E. (2017)....
Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care
ReSHAPINGSexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care: The Impact of Sexual Orientation Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference, 2017 Svetlana Shpiegel, Elizabeth Aparicio, Claudette L. Grinnell-Davis, Dana Prince Suggested...
Pregnancy and Childbearing Among Young Adults Who Experienced Foster Care
ReSHAPINGPregnancy and Childbearing Among Young Adults Who Experienced Foster Care Child Maltreatment, 2016 Katie Massey Combs, Stephanie Begun, Deborah J. Rinehart, Heather Taussig Suggested Citation Combs, K. M. (2017). Pregnancy and Childbearing Among Young Adults...
Predictors of early childbirth among female adolescents in foster care
ReSHAPINGPredictors of early childbirth among female adolescents in foster care Journal of Adolescent Health, 2017 Bryn King, Melissa Van Wert Suggested CitationKing, B., & Van Wert, M. (2017). Predictors of early childbirth among female adolescents in foster...
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