True You Maryland Curricula Recruitment TemplatesAugust 2024Canva templates for recruitment flyers and social media posts promoting two True You Maryland curricula: Plan A and 17 Days. Plan A17 DaysContributing StaffRelatedWant to do something similar?You work hard to...
Communicating About Adolescent Sexual Health: Messaging That Moves
Communicating About Adolescent Sexual Health: Messaging That Moves2017As an expert in efforts to improve students’ sexual health, you see your work in a different light than many of the people whose support you need to sustain your 1308 program strategies and...
Lessons Learned in Providing Health Care Services for Native Youth
Lessons Learned in Providing Health Care Services for Native Youth & Learning Walks2014The Native Youth Project (NYP) was a national learning collaborative facilitated by the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI), Healthy Teen Network, and the...
True You Maryland Youth Advisory Board Recruitment Kit
Youth Advisory Board Recruitment KitOctober 2021Want to spread the word about your Youth Advisory Board? We've prepared this recruitment kit to make it easy to share. We're done our best to make this kit useful for all our True You Maryland partners, but you may need...
Adolescent Sexual Health Equity During COVID-19
Adolescent Sexual Health Equity During COVID-19June 2021Join True You Maryland for this engaging and informative training hosted by Dr. Crystal Tyler, Executive Director of Ci3 at The University of Chicago. The goal of this training is to provide an overview of how...
“Having a Baby Can Wait”: Experiences of a Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Program in the Context of Homelessness among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander Youth
ReSHAPING“Having a Baby Can Wait”: Experiences of a Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Program in the Context of Homelessness among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander Youth Captured Through PhotoVoice Qualitative Health Research,...
Bricks, Mortar, & Community: The Foundations of Supportive Housing for Pregnant & Parenting Teens
Bricks, Mortar, & Community: The Foundations of Supportive Housing for Pregnant & Parenting Teens2014Articulating core components based on what we know ensures success among pregnant and parenting teens utilizing supportive housing services that embrace them...
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